
Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't think too much, Just KISS!

Maybe common sense is not so common after all. This revelation occurred to me with a simple geometric problem. A friend of mine studying interior design needed help with her home work assignment , and the engineer in me woke up as if a big jolt struck from outer space. I was so excited to see a math problem after more than an year and a half and I was trying to apply all my knowledge in geometry, using theorems and properties of circles, polygons and basically just humoring myself rather than providing a simple solution. After 10 minutes of my exhilarated mania , I realised that it was a simple one line solution , and I just had to look at that, shunning all my 'I-know-a-lot-of-math' attitude.Epic-fail!!! The ugly effects of over-thinking!
We all have to be complex. More so, sophisticated. We need to don layers,to prove that there is something more to what we say and appear to be all intriguing.Well of course it comes across to be all deep and and is a big attempt to portray an intelligent image. But the question is.. Is it really working? There was this great guy, you might know him Da Vinci.. As paradoxical he might have sounded , he said simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. And how true was he!
It is not just about obscure math problems, but lately, for every small thing I have to do, I have a feeling that I'm over-thinking.When I was a kid, I was best friends with the girl next to me in class because she had the same pencil box as mine . And I wish it was that simple now!Lately,ranging from deciding the fiber content of the morning cereal, to making career choices, planning an evening with friends to making serious life decisions, I don't seem to acknowledge any of them to be simple. I've been contemplating about the causes for this unwanted chaos and confusion .I don't think I'm the only one with these thoughts. Is it some underlying hypocrisy that is ever growing? or is it just too much education? Or does making things complicated gives a sense of accomplishment when you do them the hard way?Or do they seem so tough because of the excessive application of the unwanted parts of your brain?
Whatever it is, maybe sometimes, it is not a bad idea not to think too much and just KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid!!!!